Xgel Product distributor
listing (click here).
E-mail Order (orders@teethforlife co.za)
Courier local (Jhb, Pta) (orders@teethforlife co.za). Flyer bag R105-R99.90, parcels R166.75 + Plus (Door to door ex vat). Other areas will be quoted for.
- Xgel solution toothpaste. R85
- Xgel application sponges (30) R35
- Xgel Econo Sponges (4) R105
- Xgel Silicone finger brushes R35
- Xgel Xylitol 2kg R260
- Starter Pack (6x Sponges(30), Finger brush, Xgel) R268
- Gift Hamper (Starter pack + ABC's book). R320 on promotion
- Xylitol Meringue Kisses Recipe Free
- Xgel Happy Teeth Meringue tubs Temporarily unavailable
- Xgel Disclosing tablets (5) R35
- 'ABC's of children's teeth' book R115 on promotion
- GC Tooth Mousse (SQ) R425
- GC MI Paste (SQ) R560
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Use to clean gums and teeth and reduce the build-up of harmful biofilm. Xgel has been formulated to give the minimum daily amount of Xylitol required for dental benefits. Xgel also contains calcium and phosphate to promote healthy teeth and gums. Unlike toothpaste Xgel is safe to swallow - no need to rinse. Contains no fluoride, detergents, grit, colourants and preservatives.
Tastes great and encourages good oral hygiene practices.
The problem: milk residue left in the mouth after each feed,
provides a perfect medium for mouth bacteria and fungi to grow. An Xgel sponge, moistened with cool, boiled water
and/or Xgel, allows mom to clean baby’s mouth and gums.
Xgel Finger Brush
R260 (2kg)
Makes plaque visible. Used as a training
aid to show where the plaque collects.
Contains everything new parents will need for the oral healthcare of their baby from birth to 9 months.
Gift Pack
Xgel Finger brush is a high quality,
soft silicone finger toothbrush for
cleaning and applying Xgel solution.
Happy teeth Coco
Xylitol meringue tubs Ideal for boosting mouth xylitol after meals or snacks. Serves as a healthy treat replacement for sweets.
Temporarily unavailable
Try our delicious Xylitol Meringue Kisses (download recipe).
GC Toothmousse
Provides the building blocks for remineralizing damaged enamel and helps reduce plaque attachment. Complements the use of Xgel for the repairing of damaged enamel.
GC MI Paste is Toothmoussse with 900ppm Sodium Fluoride. Suitable for those over the age of 12 and wanting additional benefits which fluoride might offer them.
A is for 'acid' the cause of enamel break down. B is for 'bacteria' which is responsible for the formation of plaque acids. C is for 'cavities' the result of plaque acids...The book provides all the prevenative information you need to be able to raise children 'cavity free'.
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