Teethforlife’s Xylitol is sourced from only the finest Birch trees
where sustainable forestry and fair labour are practiced. Produced to
the stringent EU manufacturing and quality standards assures you of
a consistent premier quality Xylitol
Xylitol 500g tubs.
Use spoon-for-spoon like sugar in tea, coffe, cocoa beverages etc. Sprinkle over cereal and can be used in non-yeast baking.
For meringue recipe visit 'Downloads' on this site www.teethforlife.co.za/downloads).
Suitable for diabetics, ADD and ADHD, slimmers (40% less calories than sucrose) and the health-conscious.
Xylitol: the sweet truth.
Xylitol is a neutraceutical which allows us to indulge a sweet tooth while benefiting our health.

Here’s why
low GI . Xylitol has a glycemic index of 13 (glucose has a GI of
100; sucrose 68). Consequently it does not give the sugar ‘highs’ &
‘lows’. This makes it ideal for
40% less calories than sucrose (sugar). Ideal for slimmers ( 1 teaspoon has 9.6 Kilocalories, or 40 kJoules).
Xylitol is a natural sugar found in many fruits & vegetables (yellow plums, berries, lettuce, mushrooms, et
Xylitol is part of our body chemistry. We produce 5-15g per/day of Xylitol in our metabolic pathways (in the liver).
Profound dental benefits. Tooth decay-causing bacteria are unable to break down Xylitol. They fail to form acid-producing plaque, the precursor to cavities.
Multiple intakes: Research has shown the benefits of Xylitol when given in small amounts (1-2gm), often (3-5 X per day), long-term. Optimal dental benefits are 10gms (2 teaspoons) daily. At these low levels no gastro-intestinal problems occur.